Windfarm Systems and Transmission Lines


Mo­dern windfarm towers and transmission lines re­qui­re sim­ple, quick and cost-ef­fi­ci­ent con­struc­tion methods. Aicher Steel Americas are a perfect match for anchoring those foundations.

Aicher Steel Americas bar ten­dons in­stal­led in the ba­se and shaft help op­ti­mi­ze the con­struc­tion pro­cess.

Aicher Steel Americas tower anchor sys­tems are available as thre­ad bars in Grades 75/80, 100 and 150 PT.  SAS smooth bars are commonly rolled in gra­des 75/80 and 150.

The ability to use either a cold rolled thread or a fine thread on our Aicher Steel Americas smooth bars will ensure optimal torqueing as required by the individual application.

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